Monday, May 30, 2011

MLA 2011 Project a Success!

Many thanks to Kolleen Olsen (Manager, Fairview Library Services in Minneapolis) who accepted WRAP projects from all those who couldn't make it to MLA,
AND who graciously delivered all of the 2011 WRAP projects to the Ronald McDonald House in Minneapolis! This year, 31 projects were created and accompanied by books and a few baby hats (thanks to Nancy Clark). Here is Kolleen at home with a few of the projects.
Thanks to all of you who participate in any way. We hope you'll join us in creating WRAP projects for Seattle in 2012.
Dena and Amy

Monday, May 9, 2011

Quilts from Carole Gilbert

These classic quilts are from Carole Gilbert, Royal Oak, Michigan.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pat Hammond's & Pam Lovera's story

Frequently opportunities surface at the most unlikely time. When HLS members Amy Frey and Dena Hanson called upon other librarians to bring handmade "wraps" to our annual meeting for donating to a Ronald McDonald house, I was inspired. However, needlecraft is not one of my talents. During MLA '10, I asked Pam Lovera, Librarian at Prince William Hospital, about teaming up. She would do the stitchery and I would provide the book.

Last summer I started dating a widower. While cleaning his wife's sewing room, we found a beautiful unfinished afghan. When I showed it to Pam, she agreed to finish it for a Project WRAP donation. The fun continued during a trip to a bookstore with my beau's seven year old granddaughter. She picked out the books to accompany the afghan.

Sometimes all the pieces fall into place at just the right time.

Pam and Pat

Pam Lovera, Prince William Hospital, Manassas, VA
Pat Hammond, Sentara Potomac Hospital, Woodbridge, VA